zero-point energy

英 [ˈzɪərəʊ pɔɪnt ˈenədʒi] 美 [ˈzɪroʊ pɔɪnt ˈenərdʒi]

网络  零点能; 能量零点; 零點能; 零点能量; 零點能量



  1. The energy associated with this motion is called the zero-point energy.
  2. Then, the changes of the geometrical structures and the energies of the stationary points were analyzed by using the intrinsic reaction coordinate ( IRC) method. Zero-point energy correction has been done along the minimum energy path ( MEP) for each reaction.
  3. The Casimir effect is a pure quantum effect. The Casimir effect results from the alteration by the boundaries of the zero-point electromagnetic energy, and it is a direct manifestation of the boundary dependence of quantum vacuum.
  4. The zero-point vibrational energy correction, the core-valence electronic correction, the scalar relativistic effect and the high level correction beyond the CCSD ( T) excitations have also been made in these calculations.
  5. The Casimir energy is a kind of zero-point energy of quantized fields and can be considered as the energy of vacuum polarization of quantized fields due to the presence of boundaries, the curvature of the space-time manifold or some background fields.
  6. Study on Quantum Minisize Impellent Technology Based on zero-point energy from Vacuum
  7. Due to high Debye temperature of Be, we consider the zero-point energy correction to the free energy.
  8. Casimir effect is a macroscopic quantum effect that results from the change of zero-point energy due to the existence of the boundaries.